Get holistic treatment
for all of your
healthcare needs.

Our Primary Services

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Breathe new life into your body. Regenerate your brain. HBOT allows you to breathe in pure oxygen, while in a comfortable private chamber that is pressurized up to 2 atmospheres. These conditions increase the amount of oxygen your blood can carry and trigger the body to release a flood of stem cells into your blood stream. HBOT vastly speeds up the healing process for all types of traumatic brain injury and non-healing wounds.


Reset your nervous system. Get to the root of your pain. Acupuncture points are selected specifically for your personal pattern, which is determined by a thorough intake that assesses all areas of your life. Our top-notch practitioners are able to create an experience so relaxing that it restores taxed nervous systems. Many patients even fall asleep during treatment. This ancient holistic medicine unifies body, mind, and spirit.

Connection Somatics

Unresolved stress and trauma follow us throughout our lives leading to pain and dysfunction in body. In this cutting edge therapy, body sensation is used to tell your story, be witnessed, and bring painful life experiences into neurological integration. This approach to emotional healing instills foundational neurological reprogramming to the limbic system.

Womb Wellness

Balance hormones for menstrual cycle regulation. Enhance fertility and libido. Our Chi Nei Tsang: Abdominal Massage & Pelvic Steaming appointments help your women’s health journey be traversed with more ease. These warming ritual therapies have been practiced by ancient cultures around the world to honor womb wellness throughout the many phases of womanhood.

More Healing Offerings

Facial Rejuvenation

Smooth wrinkles, eliminate scars, sculpt cheekbones and release jaw tension. Want to glow from the inside out? We offer two premier options to naturally stimulate collagen production while reviving skin to its healthiest and most supple state:
| Microneedling | Somatic Face Sculpting | Facial Reflexology |

Functional Medicine

Achieve lasting wellbeing guided by your unique biological makeup. We are able to assess a full spectrum of health, from your cortisol levels to your food sensitivities. We can then guide you with customized herbal, supplemental, nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to keep you feeling your best.

Fire Cupping

Release muscle tension. Boost the immune and respiratory systems. This strong therapy feels incredible — like an inverse deep tissue massage. The suction and negative pressure created by the cups loosens tight musculature while drawing pathogens out of the body.

Infrared Sauna

Detoxify your cells. Soothe sore muscles. Enhance your quality of sleep. Enjoy the comfortably warming infrared technology in the zen sanctuary of our private spa. This is lovely as a standalone treatment, or the best way to integrate after an Acupuncture appointment.

“Essential Medicine feels like the place where my soul wants to go to for deep healing, physically and emotionally. My experience there was beyond powerful. The acupuncture sessions helped me release a lot of blockages. The space that was held for me was the same feeling I receive when on top of a mountain. Peaceful and expansive. Deep appreciation and love for all those at Essential Medicine. Can’t wait to return!”


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